Remaining Single

Yvonne Novela

I am writing about single Filipino ladies of legal age and the PROS and CONS of being such in life.

Let’s go to some of the PROS:

Well, being single gives a lady most of the freedom in life she is in.

  • She can do most anything she desires or pleases to do and go places without any stumbling blocks.
  • She has all the time to hangout with her friends with no house curfews to worry about.
  • Between two lady job applicants of equal caliber, a single lady has the bigger chance of getting hired than a married lady applicant in most cases.
  • A single lady can enjoy the company of several male acquaintances without any serious commitments or relationships. She has all the time to get exposed and know what male companionship is all about.
  • A single lady has a better chance to save her excess money in the bank, get a good insurance policy, or make financial investments of her choice.

On the CONS side, here are just a few of them:

  • A common negative thought from women who chose to remain single all her life is the fear of facing the future alone. There would be no one to look after her when she is old and grey.
  • Another CON of single womanhood is living thru loneliness most of the time. No matter how rich she maybe and how big her house is, her life would still be filled with emptiness. She needs a happy family of her own to turn her house into a home.

As for me, remaining single is still my best option at the moment. I enjoy meeting lots of friends, bloggers, writers, and readers like YOU!


Single at 40



That’s a familiar question we always ask ourselves when the chips are down. For me, I feel so depressed when I think of the missed opportunities of my love life many years back.

I guess I have been so fickle or very IDEALISTIC in choosing a partner. I think and I know I have all the qualities a man looks for in a girl (yabang! LOL).

But now, come to think about it. I lost all those chances for nothing. Now, I ask myself “when will Mr. Right come along?”.

Really, I feel I’d go crazy groping for the right answer. It’s never too late I guess. Or, should I say “I HOPE”? Or, now should I add “I PRAY”? Hey, Guys! Wake me up! LOL!


It’s really fascinating to know why men and women 30 years plus remain single. Well, just like me! Maybe it’s because of too much IDEALISM. I’ve had boyfriends before but couldn’t find my Mr. Right.

Here’s why:

  • He may be cute but has no brain.
  • He may be intelligent but is a bore.
  • He may be tall and handsome but never offers to pay for a dinner date (scrooge).
  • He may be well employed but seldom takes me out.

You know what I mean. I have standards that are never met. I guess that’s why I am still enjoying my single blessedness.

Whenever someone tells me “so why don’t you want to get married?” WOW! What a question! Grrrrr!

Marriage is NO BIG JOKE at this day and age. When the honeymoon is over, will he be able to provide me with food, clothing and shelter? How stable is he to provide for our children to be? Their needs, education, etc. Well and good if so. But nowadays it’s hard to find such a guy so prepared for a wholesome married life. And that’s a fact! Hahaha!

Remaining single is still my best option for the moment. If I strike it rich on my own then I don’t give a hoot if I marry a poor simple fisherman. That’s as long as he makes a good and devoted husband and we really love each other. I don’t mind sharing my personal wealth with those I love and those I will share my life with to the very end.